Our Projects

China – Jiangsu Province
Involved Capacity: 50.000 t/a
Know-how transfer for the engineering and start-up of a two new calcining and off-gas treatment lines

China – Hubei Province
Involved Capacity: 20.000 t/a
Know-how transfer for the engineering and start-up of a new calcining and off-gas treatment line

China – Yunnan Province
Involved Capacity: 60.000 t/a
Technology transfer including engineering and start-up of a complete chloride plant

China – Henan Province
Involved Capacity: 100.000 t/a
Technology transfer including engineering and start-up of a complete chloride plant

India – Tamil Nadu Province
Involved Capacity: 15.000 t/a
Technology transfer including extended basic engineering and start-up of a post treatment unit at existing plant

Australia – Northern Territory
Involved Capacity: 100.000 t/a
Technology transfer including Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for a new plant

China – Henan Province
Technological cooperation with Lomon Billions

Brazil – Bahia
Involved Capacity: 30.000 t/a
Technology transfer for Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for a new SP plant